Miss Vicki's Fun for Kids

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My Testimony

Here's the story of my path to faith...

When I was a kid, I didn't know Jesus :-(. I grew up thinking that IF there was a God, He didn't want to have anything to do with me. Boy, was I wrong!
I found out later that He loved me, He died for me and now He lives and will talk to me and will always be with me!
Doing things my own way instead of God's way is what He calls sin. God says that evey single one of us have sinned, whether you're 10 years old or 100 years old.
I told God I was sorry for my sin and asked Him to forgive me. And you know what, He did just that!
Now He promises me that I will spend forever with Him! Not only that, my life is SO much better now that I follow His way!
Kids, don't wait to follow God until you're a grown-up like I was. Right now, you can choose to follow Him.
It starts with telling Him you're sorry for your sin, then thanking Him for what He did for you. Ask Him into your life as King of your life, then follow Him for the rest of your life.
You won't regret it!

Jeremiah 29:11